Nurture Newsletter

11 years later

11 years later

Hello again, I hope you are all keeping well in these strange, volatile times. I am coming to you today in reflective mood. This day 11 years ago, also a Friday, May 24th 2013, I sat with my very first client & have been fortunate 



Therapy is a relationship between a professional listener and someone who wishes to share their experiences in order to grow, develop and learn.

Self- worth: Aligning with your ideal version of You!

Self- worth: Aligning with your ideal version of You!

Let’s play with a little visualisation:Consider your ideal vision of yourself. Take a moment to see it in your minds eye & imagine what this looks like, how you feel, how you are behaving & what you are pursuing? Allow your eyes to close to bring this into your mind fully & clearly.

Now let us question:
Does it speak of the external facade or your inner feelings of contentment or joy?
Is it about the roles you play in the world or your attributes?
Is it about how you look or about material gain?
Now consider what prevents you from aligning with that vision?
It can be an interesting exercise to see what we truly desire for ourselves & if we believe we can achieve it.
Some of the most common ways we determine our worth is by our productivity, how many people we please & how perfect our lives look. When we take a step back we can see that we are often only focusing on the externals & leave very little room for the ups & downs of life. Often, our internal view of ourselves & the energy we are putting into our health, well-being or our feelings of contentment & joy, seem to come very far down the list. Yet, by only focusing on the externals, we will never really feel satisfied. There will always be another person to please, another job to get done, another trend to perfect. This striving becomes endless & the real subterranean need continues to go unmet.
So let’s go back to the ideal vision of yourself & ask:”What am I seeking to feel underneath that facade?”
Using Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs, let us determine our real & current need: Our foundational needs are our physical needs which we meet for our survival e.g. food, water, exercise etc. Are we seeking satisfaction in this area or are our needs met here already?
Next come our security needs e.g. safety, financial security, a home etc. Do I feel safe & secure in my world at present? Do I feel safe to be me?
Then we have love & belonging e.g. Friends, family, community. Is this area of my world fulfilled? Do I belong? Am I loved? Do I feel a sense of connection in my relationships?
After this comes self-esteem e.g. respect, empowerment, contentment with the roles we play in the world. Do I feel I have more to achieve before I can be satisfied?
Finally comes our self-actualization need, which is the ability to be authentically ourselves, experiencing the freedom, choice & ability to live life as we like. Can I create the life I want for myself? Can I choose fulfillment? Can I be my empowered, creative self?
When we strip back our ideal view of ourselves we can determine the real need beneath the surface. The question is, can we allow ourselves to have it? This is where our self-worth will often determine whether we apply our energy in that direction or if we spend our time serving everyone or everything else first.
So if you notice yourself making excuses & having a list of reasons why you are not pursuing your own contentment, I invite you to join me for my next masterclass called “Finding my Worth” this Thursday evening. Here we will spend time relieving our souls of what binds us to outdated beliefs about our worth & open ourselves up to new possibilities for the peace we can choose in our own lives.Also if you were interested in the final masterclass of the season, please note there are only 3 spaces remaining. I look forward to connecting with you in the upcoming classes.
Best wishes,
Nov 16th 2023 Thursday 7pm – 9pm Fee: €30 Online via Zoom
Finding my Worth
This 2 hour live online workshop will help develop your sense of intrinsic worth to help enhance your self-esteem which determines the type of relationship we have with ourselves & others.
Topics covered include:
How we determine our worth
Learn the difference between intrinsic & extrinsic worth
Taking back authority for our own empowerment
Finding meaning & value for who I am
Finding meaning & value for what I do
Establish a goal for personal value
Dec 7th 2023 Thursday 7pm – 9pm Fee: €30 Online via Zoom Only 3 Spaces Available
Establishing Healthy Boundaries
This 2 hour online workshop aids the development of healthy boundaries in order to protect your sense of self as well as your energy, health & vitality.
Topics covered include:
Understanding healthy boundaries
The benefits of boundaries
What hinders us from establishing boundaries
Effective, guilt-free ways of establishing boundaries