Nurture Newsletter January 2023
Hello again,
For many, the routine kicks off again this week & in the midst of cranking up that engine,
it can be very difficult to check-in & be with how we are right now. The holiday season can feel like a blur & a numbing out from the norm of daily living. The bite of reality can feel like thawing from a freeze. The new year is certainly here however & it can come with a pressure to take on goals & tasks that are mostly driven by the “shoulds” or life; those unrealistic expectations that keep us on the ego’s merry-go-round & very far away from our soul desires.
So let’s take a moment to step back to ask ourselves:
What do I truly need now & for the year ahead?
Now before we all list off tasks to become a better person, to succeed or to attain a new goal, let us check-in & ask:
If I am to nourish, nurture & support myself to grow & develop, what do I need right now?
Growth naturally occurs when we provide a fertile environment therefore do we need another mountain to climb or hoop to jump through or can we nourish & nurture what is already here & allow that to flourish naturally & organically.
This gives our new year intentions a very different feeling, doesn’t it?!!!
Numerology tells us this is a 7 universal year, a spiritual year of listening to our intuition,
of personal development & exploring our path of service to humanity.
The Chinese calendar calls 2023 the year of the Water Rabbit, a quiet, contemplative year with softer, kinder energy but which is also fertile, prosperous & pacey when we know our goal. Of course Spring is the optimum time to see rabbits in full tilt therefore the Aquarius new moon on January 21st is a great time for gaining that clarity & intention setting for entering Spring with the bounce of a bunny! Celtic tradition saw a nod to Yule at Solstice but really concentrated on Imbolc, February 1st as the start of Spring, a time for personal growth, spring cleaning & renewed energy. So let’s take time to defrost, clear the clutter, listen within & gain clarity before we take off on our quest of 23.
My intention this month is to bring focus to our minds & clarity of thought with the next Rest & Reset online workshop on January 11th. While the science says our mind needs rest for integration of ideas & developing our sense of self, this is also a spiritual practice of listening in contemplation for divine guidance so that the miracle of creation can naturally occur within us. With a calm mind, we can channel our consciousness into that which we wish to invite into our world, rather than leaking energy on fears of lack; of not being enough or having enough. Let’s rejoice in our “enough-ness” & gift ourselves with a decluttering of the mental chatter that says otherwise. Let’s come away from stories of the past & choose to carve out the vision which we wish to invest in.
To begin, our focus is on acceptance of where we are right now & being open to that which we wish to invite in without having to provide the path or answer. Let’s just be with the seed of intention for clarity. That is more than enough.
I invite you to join me live in resting our busy minds next Wednesday & opening to the pure potential of presence & our higher internal guidance. I have also included the Spring schedule for courses below.
I look forward to sharing with you over the coming season.
Wishing you well for 2023,